Friday, July 10, 2009

Crown Molding is the New Copper

The Daily News Transcript reports that thieves stole crown and side molding from doors and windows of a Whiting Ave. home in Dedham, MA. I’ll keep ya posted on this one, I can’t wait to find out who did it and why. It has to be someone who worked at the home. How else would they know the molding was nice enough to steal?


  1. Will people stop at nothing? Going into vacant homes to strip them of appliances and even copper, but now the crown molding! I am shocked. I agree, it would have to be someone who knows the value -- but my question is how did they get it off without destroying enough to be useful? Plus isn't crown pretty custom to the measurement of the walls? Either way, that's just sad. Thank you for the information!

  2. You’re right, it’s a very strange crime considering that the molding would have been custom fit for the house. Maybe the home owner didn’t like the molding and reported it stolen to collect the insurance money.
